Monday 8 October 2007


There was a quirky article in The Guardian by Tony Naylor whilst I was away, it was celebrating all that's bad about lad's bands - The Twang, (my secret guilty favourite band) Shed Seven and Little Man Tate. The last band probably got the worst of the critisism, with the scene variously called - "a laughing stock among indie's taste makers...lyrically gauche...Emotionally underdeveloped? Yes"

I had a little snicker at this blog post from the BBC Chart Blog yesterday. It criticises the over-the-top and generally exhausting press releases they get sent from time to time.

The following day I was entertained to recieve a beautifully written and conprehensive Little Man Tate press release - managing to pull a positive quote from the very article that had given them such a battering.

Little Man Tate - " 'But in a world where modern culture is so controlled, so predictable, so hidebound to mass marketing or notions of cool, any grassroots movement that refuses to buckle under and be told what to listen to has got be a good thing.' - The Guardian."
